Newport Strings
The group
Newport Strings was formed in 2009 when four of our members discovered a shared interest in playing classical music (in addition to the folkie tunes and other genres). Soon after this discovery, we had a sufficient repertoire to be able to perform at the 2010 Newport Folk Festival and the Folk Festival has become a regular performance gig for the group. The group has gone from strength to strength since that first performance under the leadership of Moira Yffer. We currently have 13 string players and we would love to have an additional three strong violinists to develop our sound. There is a range of playing experience within the group, including people who have performed professionally, to those who have minimal classical experiences but many years of playing other genres of music and are keen to explore more the classical repertoire and interpretation.
Newport Strings rehearses once a month in Newport, and currently performs regularly at the Newport Library in the new Newport Hub (see calendar for dates). The group also performs a classical concert as part of the annual NFFC festival in July. At this concert we are augmented by other musicians, and conducted by Simon Harvey, another western suburbs musician.
Newport Strings is regularly asked for a quartet from the group to play at gigs, including for the City of Hobsons Bay - such as their annual business awards dinner. Members of the group also play a lead role in the Folk Club’s ‘Carols at the Substation’ each year in December.
Our leader: Michaela Mee
Michaela grew up in Melbourne and started playing the violin at 6 years old. Her violin teachers in Melbourne included Lorraine Hook and Julian Quirit. After achieving her LMusA in violin performance at 17 yr of age she moved to the USA with family and completed her ABHons undergraduate degree at Harvard University as well as tertiary violin performance study at the Cleveland Institute of Music. She then moved to Sydney to study medicine and complete further Dip Mus violin performance studies at the Sydney Conservatory of Music under the guidance of Ron Thomas. Since moving back to Melbourne she has combined her medical work with orchestral and chamber music experience including Corpus Medicorum, Orchestra 21, and the Australian Doctors Orchestra of which she is also president. She plays folk Music in the band called 'Good Earth' thanks to her local musician friends Michael Stewart and Bruce Williams. Michaela has developed a keen interest in physician wellness and believes music can play a very positive role both at the individual and community levels.
If you're interested in playing with the group, or would like to book us for an event, please call
Michael Stewart on 0414 349 165.
Resources for performers
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Carols sheet music
For 2024 Carols Night